Jingxuan Zhang

Jingxuan Zhang 张景宣

Yau Mathematical Sciences Center
Tsinghua University
Jingzhai, Tsinghua University, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100084
Email: jingxuan[Q]tsinghua[,]edu[,]cn | Office: Shuangqing A515
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9669-7556 | Short CV
URL: THU profile page


In 2023, I joined the Yau Mathematical Sciences Center as a postdoc. My postodc mentor is Prof. Long Jin.

Before moving to Beijing, I have studied in Toronto, Cambridge, and Copenhagen from 2016-23 and held visiting positions at St. Michael's College, Toronto and MIT from 2021-3.


Tsinghua University, Beijing
Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology
St. Michael's College, Toronto